Comprehensive exam
A comprehensive, dilated examination is the only way to know which vision correction procedure is best for you. While your exam involves 3D diagnostic imaging of eye and loads of data, it is also our opportunity to learn more about you, your expectations & your lifestyle. All of these factors play an important role in determining if RLE is the best procedure for you.
The complete exam can take up to 90 minutes. After all the data is collected, our doctor will perform an eye exam, discuss the treatment recommendation & answer any questions you have. Your visit will include dilation of your pupils, which will affect your eyesight for about 4-6 hours, as you may have experienced with a routine eye exam.
Before Procedure
After you are deemed a good candidate for RLE, you will be scheduled for your IOL measurement appointment. Because every eye varies in size & shape, we need to use advanced 3D imaging equipment that builds a 3D map of each eye & tailors the lens & treatment to that map. This mapping technology allows your surgeon to create a customized treatment plan & lens type that matches the uniqueness of each of your eyes. Yes, they are different!
Day of Procedure
If you are in Seattle, your procedure will be performed in our state-of-the-art Surgery Suite. If you are in Austin, your procedure will be performed at Center for Specialty Surgeries. When you arrive, you will be checked in and asked to sign an informed consent document. We will give you a Recovery Kit that has all the prescription drops and everything you will need for after your procedure. No trip to the pharmacy needed!
You will be taken to a room and given eye drops to prepare your eyes for your procedure. Depending on your surgery location, you will be given an oral sedative or an IV for relaxation. Most people feel sleepy during the procedure. Before your RLE, eye drops are used to completely numb the eye—no needles are used at all. Your surgeon then uses the laser to create a circular opening for accessing and removing the lens. This opening is about 10 times more accurate than what is achieved by hand.
After your surgery, you will spend a short period of time resting in the outpatient recovery area before you are ready to be driven home. You should expect to have blurry vision & mild soreness after the procedure. You will see your doctor the very next day for your post-operative evaluation at your SHARPEVISION location.