Eye Exams and Vision test
Healthy Eyes are Happy Eyes
The most effective way of protecting your vision for the rest of your life is through an annual eye screening and exam with your primary eye care doctor.

Those with no signs or risk factors for eye disease should schedule a test at age 40. Anyone who has high blood pressure, diabetes or a family history of eye disease should consult with their primary eye-care provider to determine the proper eye exam intervals.
At SharpeVision, we don’t perform routine eye exams, but we know some of the best optometrists in the area who would be happy to see you. Just ask for a referral!
Candidate Quiz
Are you eligible?
If your eyes are healthy, but you are looking for crystal clear vision, then you are in the right place! SharpeVision is a national leader in all-laser LASIK and vision correction. Try our candidate quiz to see which procedure is right for you!

You have questions. We have answers.
No, the laser can’t burn a hole in your eye. But it’s a good question. Find the answers to our most frequently asked questions at SharpeVision. Some of them may surprise you!
Am I a candidate for laser eye surgery?
With all the options we have for vision correction, the answer is probably “Yes!” The only way to know for sure which procedure(s) is right for you is by coming in for a complete eye exam at SHARPEVISION or another LASIK provider. We perform the entire exam completely free of charge. During your 90 minute exam, we will dilate and scan your eyes with specialized machines to obtain a variety of data, including your corneal shape and thickness, your precise prescription, and the health of your eyes. There are many factors that help us determine not only if you’re a candidate, but to set expectations and educate you as much as possible to help you make the best decision.
Am I too old for LASIK eye surgery?
You might be too old for LASIK, but you are never too old to get out of glasses and contacts. One of the most important factors in determining whether or not you’re a candidate for laser eye surgery is your age. As we age, the lens inside our eye gets gradually more cloudy (typically in our 60s and 70s) which is called a cataract. By removing the clouded lens and inserting a new one with you custom prescription, we can potentially make it so you not only don’t need glasses, you see better than you have seen in years.
Can you go blind from LASIK eye surgery?
No one ever has. However, LASIK is a surgical procedure and does have risks that vary by your age, prescription, and numerous other factors. Please see “risks of laser surgery” above.
Can you tell if I’m a candidate for laser eye surgery by looking at the prescription from my optometrist?
No, not just by looking at your prescription. Your general optometrist measures your prescription and level of astigmatism for glasses and contacts and can refer you to a LASIK provider, but they cannot confirm if you will be a candidate for laser eye surgery. To know if you are a candidate, you need to have a complete eye exam at a LASIK provider. At SharpeVision, we use highly specific equipment to topographically map the surface of your eyes and get multiple prescription measurements, among other things. Our refractive surgeon-trained optometrists will then discuss all the results with you and determine if you are a candidate for LASIK.